Join us

You are warmly invited to join us this Sunday at 11.15am – all welcome!

A 30-minute pre-recorded online service will also be uploaded weekly here – available from Saturday early eve every week, and can be watched anytime.

We also offer Daily Inspiration: a biblical reflection to lift your heart every day Monday-Saturday. (Note: this takes a short break for Lent.)

Lent: we have an amazing course ‘The Rest is worship’ and groups all over the parish, starting 10th March. For details of how to join, contact Rev. Matt.

We have a new vision for our church! Click here to see it …and click here for our latest news.

Get in touch

About us…

Welcome to All Saints Church, a prayerful, caring and welcoming community in the heart of MK Village, Milton Keynes.

Our church congregation – along with St. Mary’s Wavendon, Church Without Walls Broughton and Christ the King Kent’s Hill – form Walton Churches Partnership (WCP).

We are a united, yet diverse community, coming from a broad range of denominations who gather together to worship God and encourage one another in our walk with Jesus Christ. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to join with us on our journey of faith.

We are very committed to the care and nurture of all in our church communities – for further details of our safeguarding policy and contact info, click through to our Partnership website here.

We look forward to meeting you!

RECTOR Rev. Matt Trendall

Pat Sawyer
Barny Daley

Ayokunnu Otunla
Carolyn Sanderson
Dawn Bromley
Gloria Terrelonge
Paul Terrelonge
Wayne Webb
Virginia Kagunda
Amanda Kingston
Niki Mitro

Daily inspiration

A fresh post to lift your heart each day.

See all posts