The following reflection was written by James Bryan Smith – before we move on to the next part of Colossians, his insight has something wonderful for us today…
There is one phrase in the Apostles Creed that, for a long time, I never understood: ‘[Christ] is seated at the right hand of the Father Almighty…’ What does it mean? Why is it important?
I would later learn that in the Bible, “to be seated” is a metaphor for having finished one’s work: you are seated when your work is completed.
The work Jesus did – from the incarnation, to living a perfect life we could not live, to freely offering himself on the cross, to the resurrection – was the perfect completion of God the Trinity’s effort to bring the world into a life of intimacy with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In other words, he finished the job! As he himself said on the cross: “It is finished.”
This is very good news for us. But there is also another reason why he is seated. Jesus our great High Priest intercedes for us. He is now labouring for our healing through his prayer. And what is he praying for? That you and I would be completely new people, people in whom he can make his home.
When Paul asks the Colossians to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God,” he is urging them to reflect on the wonder of Jesus – the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world – and the splendour of Jesus, the High Priest who now prays for us. This is how God is “making all things new”.
When Jesus prays, things happen. He will not stop until he has made us all new people.
And simply knowing that, when I pray, I am praying with Jesus, gives me great courage. Together we are making all things new.