Day 1: Friday 1st December – Isaiah 7:14  ‘God with us’

Isaiah 7:14

God with us.  That’s really the whole ball game, isn’t it?  Over the next 24 days, as we prepare ourselves in this season of Advent, we’ll tell the ageless story afresh, and we’ll marvel again at the wonder of it all: the angels, the shepherds, the wise men, the journey to Bethlehem, a young carpenter and his pregnant wife, the stable and that glorious Christmas night.

But, in all the beauty and mystery of what is to come, nothing really summarises it better than this one word which begins our journey: Emmanuel.  God with us. 

It was always the plan.  God is not a distant deity, who winds the clock up and observes passively while it runs.  God is a ‘with’ kind of God at the very core of his being.  It begins as God with himself: ‘the Word was with God’ (John 1:1) as the Spirit hovered over the waters (Genesis 1:2) – a Trinity of love.

Then God with humanity, as originally intended.  Humans made in his image, knowing true intimacy with each other, and with their Creator.  And the Lord comes walking into Eden in the cool of the day to spend time with Adam and Eve, only to find the barriers up, and the pattern dislocated.

After that time, we are no longer with God – but even so, not everyone gets the memo.  King David, among others down the centuries, knew what it was like to experience God’s presence: ‘I will fear no evil, for you are with me.’ (Psalm 23:4)

Somehow the promise never goes away, never disappears for good.   God would be with us – in a new way, for all time.  It would take a miracle – the Virgin birth – but it would surely come to pass.

And seven centuries later, it does.  God comes down to earth.  God with us as never before.  And this divine Son grows up to utter this great promise: ‘My Spirit will be with you…. Abide in me.’  God with us for all time.

There so much we can say about what the Christmas story means.  But let’s start here – and maybe let’s finish here, too.  God is with us.  May this beautiful, intimate, faithful God be with you today, and throughout this season.  And may this stir all of our hearts to joy and adoration.  O come, o come Emmanuel.