
Below you’ll find previous entries for Daily Inspiration – or to see them arranged by theme, head to this webpage.

Autumn 2024: The Book of Acts, chapters 1-14: how God’s Spirit changes the lives of Jesus’ followers and begins to change the world, too.  May we too be inspired afresh in our generation!

Summer 2024: The Book of Daniel – the life of Daniel and his friends is a story for our times: how to live with faith and integrity in a different culture.  This series unpacks both the iconic stories and also the powerful prophecies! 

Spring 2024: Daily Inspiration in John: our reflections on John chapters 1-10 can be viewed via this link, either to read on-screen or to download to your device:

New Year 2024: ‘The Shock of the New’ – Isaiah chapters 40-55. One of the great prophetic visions, as fresh today as ever. Thirty days of amazing promises, and renewed hope!

Autumn 2023: ‘Good News!’ – The Gospel of Mark.  History changes for good as Jesus arrives – fast-paced and full of practical, life-transforming wisdom: we can never tire of what Mark has to teach us!

Summer 2023: The Book of Colossians – Christ is all we need!  Let’s be encouraged by the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus in this remarkable letter: Colossians – Daily Inspirations day-by-day

Spring/Summer 2023: Psalms 1-43.  Day by day, ‘a psalm a day helps you work, rest and pray.’  Daily Inspiration in Psalms 1-43

The week after Pentecost. A mini-series of 6 reflections in Acts 2:1-41, taking us from Pentecost to Trinity Sunday.  Daily Inspiration for the week after Pentecost

Ascension Day. A mini-series of 3 reflections on the importance of Jesus’ Ascension into heaven.  Ascension Day Inspirations 2023

Holy Week 2023: Reflections in the Gospel of Mark, chs 14-15: Holy Week Reflections in Mark

Lent 2023: ‘Let your light shine’ – The Church of England’s Lent Series for 2018, written by John Kiddle – a lovely exploration of the work of Christ in the gospel of John: Let Your Light Shine_Daily Notes_2018_JohnKiddle

December 2022: Advent.  Telling the story chronologically across the gospels, 24 days waiting expectantly for the coming King!  Daily Inspiration for Advent

September-November 2022: The Gospel of Luke ‘The King of kings’.  In a season when our nation mourned the loss of a great monarch, and the start of a new reign, let’s be inspired by Luke’s portrait of the greatest King of all.  Daily Inspiration in the Gospel of Luke – The King of Kings

July-September 2022: The Book of Deuteronomy (chs1-19).  On the threshold of a new home, let’s listen in to one of the great sermons of all-time, as Moses addresses God’s people and reminds them of his covenant of faithful love – enduring to this day!  Daily Inspiration in the Book of Deuteronomy

May-July 2022: The Book of 2 Corinthians.  Reflecting deeply on the day-to-day paradoxes of faith – suffering and comfort, joy and trouble, spiritual treasures held ‘in jars of clay’ – this heartfelt gem of a letter is less well-known but full of rich treasure.  2 Corinthians Daily Inspirations day-by-day

Jan-Feb 2022: The Book of Joshua – a rip-roaring tale with lots to inspire us.  Never an ‘easy read’, but with echoes of grace throughout.  Above all, God keeps his promises: Daily Inspirations in the Book of Joshua

November 2021: The Book of Esther – a wonderful story of faith and courage lived out in the ‘real world’: Esther Daily Inspirations day-by-day

Oct-Nov 2021: Hebrews 11-12 ‘The Cloud of Witnesses’ – a short series on the heroes of faith and how they can inspire and energise our lives today: Cloud of Witnesses_Inspiration day-by-day

May 2021: To revisit our lovely 9 days of prayer (Novena) in the Psalms for Thy Kingdom ComeThy Kingdom Come 2021 Psalms (Novena)

Easter Week 2021: Reflections on the traditional readings for Sundays in Easter Season: Easter Week Reflections 2021

Holy Week 2021: Reflections in Matthew 26 and 27: Holy Week Reflections 2021 – Matthew 26 and 27

February 2021: The Book of Philippians – journey through this wonderful little letter over 13 days: Daily Inspiration in Philippians

New Year 2021: The Psalms are songs for the journey.  To paraphrase a well-known ad: ‘A psalm a day helps you work, rest and pray.’  Let’s be nourished with the humility, the honesty, and the heartfelt faith of the psalmists, and may we find a voice to draw near to God each day: Daily Inspiration in Psalms 90-106

Looking for Light: a great tonic when the days are short and the nights are long!  A series of reflections on the theme of light in the bible can be viewed via this link, either to read on-screen or to download to your device: Looking for Light – Daily Inspirations

Remembrance 2020: our short series from Isaiah and the Psalms for the season of Remembrance can be viewed via this link, either to read on-screen or to download to your device: Remembrance Season 2020 – Daily Inspirations

‘Wildfires – the Spirit in the Bible’: our summer 2020 series of reflections on the Holy Spirit can be viewed via this link, either to read on-screen or to download to your device: Wildfires (The Spirit in the Bible) Day-by-Day

‘Hidden in Christ’ – our spring 2020 series of 33 Reflections based on James Bryan Smith’s wonderful book – also made available for Advent 2020 by MK Mission Partnership – can be viewed via this link, either to read on-screen or to download to your device: Hidden_in_Christ_Reflections_2020

Prof. Smith’s excellent podcast, ‘Things Above’, can be accessed here.

Our reflections for Easter Week 2020: Easter Week Reflections 2020

To revisit our reflections for Holy Week 2020 – the 7 words from the cross – click here.