Tuesday 19th September – Mark 1:29-39 ‘Why I have come’

After yesterday’s dramatic encounter in the synagogue, the narrative picks up speed.  We’ll see this more than once in Mark’s gospel – the action comes thick and fast, so ‘as soon as they left the synagogue…’ (v29) they’re onto the next encounter: in this case, a pastoral visit with Jesus’ new team, helping (and healing) … Read more

Monday 11th September – Colossians 4:12-18 ‘Continuing the ministry’

And so we come to the end…. The Book of Colossians is an amazing portion of scripture, and you won’t be surprised to learn that it’s one of my favourite books of the bible.  Reading Colossians is like enjoying a bar of rich, dark chocolate – an intense experience, best enjoyed in small mouthfuls to … Read more

Saturday 9th September – Colossians 4:7-11 ‘Personal connections’

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that ‘the church’ is made up of individual people.  Everyone has their own story, and their own connections.  This little section in the letter, when Paul – whose piece of papyrus is probably running out of space – is firing off some quickfire messages, is a great reminder that what … Read more