Friday 8th September – Colossians 4:2-6 ‘Maximising every opportunity’

In 1873 Thomas Edison approached the British government – then the most powerful government in the world – asking for investment in his new invention, the lightbulb.  The Committee which assessed it turned him down, saying this new-fangled idea was ‘okay for our transatlantic friends…but unworthy of the attention of practical or scientific men.’  The … Read more

Thursday 7th September – Colossians 3:22-4:1 ‘With all your heart’

This passage is not a defence of slavery.  It’s worth stating that at the start; as we saw yesterday, Paul is acutely conscious of the perceived danger of Christ to the social order – putting the church itself at risk (more widespread persecution is beginning, indeed may have already begun, by this time).  It’s also … Read more

Wednesday 6th September – Colossians 3:18-22 ‘Christ and the social order’

One of the thorny questions that the church has always faced – and individual Christians, as part of the church community – is how followers of Jesus relate to the social order around them.  Where do they conform and where do they stick out?  Or, to put it another way, what do they challenge? It … Read more

Tuesday 5th September – Colossians 3:15-17 ‘The power of thankfulness’

Colossians 3:12-17 is one of the most treasured portions of all scripture.  It just seems to encapsulate perfectly what a loving, healthy lifestyle should look like – even to those who may not consider themselves to be followers of Christ.   For example, this is the second most popular passage chosen by couples marrying in church … Read more

Wednesday 30th August – Colossians 3:1-4  ‘Hidden with Christ’

Often the most powerfully subversive things are those which look very similar to what they are challenging.  I am a great lover of Renaissance art (I studied it many years ago) and Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic ‘Last Supper’ is a great example of this.  All the traditional features are there: the long table, the twelve … Read more