Saturday 12th August – Colossians 1:9-14 (ii)  ‘A worthy life’

‘Wisdom is proved right by all her children.’  These words of Jesus are beautifully turned into prayer by St Paul in verses 10-12 of this marvellous passage, which we return to today.  Yesterday we looked at how Paul encouraged us to pray for spiritual wisdom and understanding as the first priority of his prayers for … Read more

Wednesday 9th August – Colossians 1:3-5  ‘Faith, hope and love’

Yesterday we looked at the foundations of our good news: the two pillars, if you will, of grace and peace.  God’s gift of undeserved mercy, which in turn brings shalom to our relationships in every dimension.  God’s grace, our peace.  These are the twin foundations on which our walk with Jesus rests – and as … Read more

Tuesday 8th August – Colossians 1:1-2  ‘First things first’

Not many of us write letters anymore – at least not by choice.  Emails, texts, posts, tweets, blogs – but a letter?  Only for formal replies to institutions: and even then, usually typed on a computer and printed out.  To receive a handwritten letter nowadays is a rare and beautiful thing.  However, whilst it is … Read more